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All orders above $75 made to any continental U.S. address receive free shipping. Economy shipping usually takes 1-5 days.
Enjoy the benefits of Tauri CBD with swift delivery to your doorstep.
Returns Policy
Within 365 days of your purchase, you can issue a no-questions-asked return and request for refund.
To do so, wrap up your remaining product into original undamaged packaging, contact us here, and we’ll take care of the rest.
Tauri Knowledge Center: Trustworthy CBD Information
There is a lot of information — and plenty of misconceptions — floating around on the Internet about CBD and cannabis in general. It’s important that you learn as much accurate CBD information as you can so you can effectively incorporate it into your daily supplements.
At Tauriga Sciences, our mission is to provide our customers with the best possible CBD information so they can make educated decisions. We won’t bog you down with jargon and lingo — there’s no need to be a scientist to understand how CBD and CBG can help improve your life!
Here’s some basic CBD information to get you started.

All About Cannabigerol: CBG Benefits & Uses
CBG, short for cannabigerol, is one of the most effective, interesting, and powerful compounds found in the cannabis...
Team Taurigum - May 25, 2021

Understanding CBD Topicals vs. CBD Taken Orally
We’re going to discuss the different ways of applying and using CBD to promote wellness in your life.The Tauri Lifes...
Team Taurigum - May 25, 2021

Learn About CBD & The Endocannabinoid System
Huge words, similar acronyms, and hundreds of conflicting articles are everywhere across the Internet. CBD, CBN, CBG...
Team Taurigum - Aug 19, 2021
How Can CBD & CBG Support Your Lifestyle?
Cannabidiol (CBD) and cannabigerol (CBG) are natural compounds derived from the cannabis plant. There are two major subspecies of cannabis: hemp and marijuana. As of 2018, hemp that contains less than 0.3% THC is finally relegalized in the United States along with its derivatives.
As a result, the popularity of hemp-derived cannabinoids has skyrocketed in the past several years. Basic CBD information and science have been public knowledge for a long time, but the recent popularity and legality of hemp have prompted scientific research to skyrocket. Now, organizations like Tauriga Sciences know more than ever about the benefits hemp has on our body and mind.
Basic CBD Information Overview
In a nutshell, cannabinoids are so effective because the human body has a natural endocannabinoid system of its own. This system helps regulate our body’s natural rhythms, sensations, and reactions to internal or external stimulations. Hemp-derived cannabinoids activate our body’s endocannabinoid receptors, helping balance these symptoms.
The endocannabinoid system encompasses a broad range of symptoms, meaning you can supplement with CBD & CBG for everything from sleep to muscle aches. This knowledge center will explore how you can benefit from these powerful supplements. Read Tauriga Sciences’ articles to learn more!
Learn More CBD Information at Tauriga Sciences
Transparency and clarity are everything. We aim to tell you in plain English what our products are all about so you can make an informed decision! Check back for the latest CBD information and industry news.
Interested in trying one of our products? Be sure to check out our collection of CBD treats, gum, skin care, and bath bombs. We have soothing relief for just about everyone! Become closer to nature with Tauri-Gum.